A key aspect of a good application support model that is often missed is the importance of each application support group behaving as a customer of a downstream dependent system.
A common fallacy is to assume that each application and its support group is an independent unit purely acting on a reactive basis. This puts the onus of taking a business user problem and translating it to a specific application problem, onto some form of a centralized service management wrap. Not the most efficient as most problems are first detected within the application support teams (provided they are awake). It is imperative that they drive the resolution of the problem to their downstream dependent system.
As an example, consider the picture wherein the application arena is a simple service order processing chain wherein system A is some CRM system, system B is an orchestration / workflow layer, system C is a inventory / assignment system and system D is a service activation system. Typically, there is tight coupling and dependencies between each of these layers - any anomalies impact business KPIs and flow-through. The users of the CRM systems will see these anomalies as orders not being completed on time. The orchestration system will see these as orders stuck at a particular stage. The problem may actually lie within the assign / inventory layer or the service activation layer which also will be noticed by the respective app support teams.
Behavior within the teams should be as follows :
1> Ideally, the bridge monitoring system should have received alarms and alerted the respective systems .. this would represent IT being pro-active.
2> Failsafe on this would be the app-support team for the CRM system creating an IT fault on the orchestration system who in turn would transfer the fault to the assign / inventory system. Not the most effective, however, necessary as a failsafe and reinforces proper organizational behavior. For complex scenarios, a service management layer may be introduced. I still consider this pro-active.
3> Least ideal is 1 & 2 failing with the users reporting the fault - this is IT being reactive.
The usual breakdown I observe is in #2 with companies mostly operating in #3. #1 requires a sophesticated business process monitoring infrastructure, something I consider to be still an industry wide problem given state of investment and commitment to such projects within an IT portfolio. Breakdown in #2 is usually an artifact of organizational boundaries and/or poor skillsets & focus. Each team operates in a silo and purely on a reactive basis. A truly dangerous place to be for any CIO.
Very true Milan. This hampers Customer experience to a large extent and i guess some mechanism should be in place to penalize the system owners if things are not done right first time.
Post with graphical description to know very well about it.
Thanks for share.
-Grant Applications
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